European Intensive Training
The intensive 2020 will unfortunately not take place due to the corona situation. Sign Up for the Newsletter for more Information.
The intensive training is a two week long learning experience for church planters that are called to plant a church in one of the major cities of Europe. Interactive classes taught by experienced church planters and trainers will be combined with on-site visits of church plants. The training will have the following main objectives
Gospel Theology: We want to create a learning experience where future church planters get immersed into the depth of the gospel, learn to apply the gospel to themselves and understand how the gospel shapes and empowers every aspect of their church plant.
Ministry Design: How do we contextualize our ministry approaches to our urban context? What will the unique, city-focused ministry of our church planters look like in their respective context?
Balanced Ministry: How do we plant churches that address the different ministry fronts in the city? How will the gospel influence and propel your preaching, evangelism, discipleship, faith and work, and mercy and justice initiatives and bear fruit for your city?
Planting a missional church: How do we gather and train a core group for a church plant? How can we implement a missional mindset into our community from the earliest stages on? And how do we lead this community through the various first steps of a church plant?