The Evangelism Project


How do we share the gospel with people in a relevant way? This question is so very much at the heart of our vision. We invited 12 leaders from all over Europe and Tim Keller to join for a collaborative process to think, write and speak about the topic of Evangelism. It will also be the topic of the City To City Europe conference in 2021.


Tim Keller - New York City

René Breuel - Rome

Christian Hofreiter - Vienna

Panagiotis Kantartzis - Athens

Kristi Mair - London

Stefan Paas - Amsterdam

Neil Powell - Birmingham

Stephan Pues - Frankfurt

Tim Vreugdenhil - Amsterdam

Daniel Bartz - Hamburg

Tiago de Oliveira Cavaco - Lisbon

Yevegeny Bakhmustky - Moscow

Brandon o’Brien - New York


We will come up soon on this site with our first results and content. Stay tuned.